Articles, writings and musings

A selection of articles and nonsenses I have written.
If you would like me to write for you, please get in touch to discuss my outrageous demands.
Summit's Up
Written around midday in a beer garden, in the Lakes, after a lovely little stroll around Brotherswater.
Live and Let Dial
Radio is good, radio is our pal.
Taxi Cads
Written through extreme annoyance for Now Then Magazine 2013.
Lit 'R' Us
A rubbish little bit of prose, this one. Written for Now Then Magazine 2013
A House Shared is a Problem Doubled
Written during a harrowing stay in a garret room above a mustard filcher. Arsehole.
Those? Spokes, Zarathustra
An article on cycling I wrote for Now then magazine in April 2013