
Bands, friends, lovers, mothers, others...
The Debt Set
Alabaster Deplume - Poet and Saxophonist
Louis Barabbas & The Bedlam Six - Mad Dirt-Swing
Monkey Poet - Matt Panesh- Poet and Satirist
Honeyfeet - Folk Jazz Boogie Woogie
T. E. Yates - Alternative Indie Folk
Other music we like
The Moulettes - Folk Pop Melodrama
Scratters & The Funky Disco Pig - Surreal Funk
Al Baker & The Dole Queue - Riot Folk
The Travelling Band - Close-Harmony Folk Rock
Liz Green - Folk Blues Singer
They do good work
Frog Soup - Our web designers
Debt Records - Our wonderful record label
Other good things
Plastic Zoo - Film and Animation Company
Un-Convention - Global Grass Roots Music Conference
Manchester Scenewipe - Documenting Manchester's Live Scene
The Dancehouse Theatre - The best stage to perform on in Manchester